Hello! I am Chris Matthews, a former Boarder at Midhurst Grammar School from 1963-65 and then again from 1967 -1970. Some of the happier years of my childhood and certainly less troublesome than some of my adult years.
This is my attempt at reinvigorating the Midhurst Grammar School Reunion Site, you will note above there are links to Tom Mocek and Teige O’Brien’s work (Teige is inside Tom’s site). Tom’s Reunion site has a lot of interesting photos and information that is worth a look.
This project is a work in progress and I would like to add to it over the next month or so and that is so I can happily avoid all the overexhuberance around Xmas.
I am, at present, looking for contributions from my old school friends for any memories of Tom Mocek, Ben LeVay, Teige O’Brien and others that are no longer with us.
I will also add stories to this from my personal blog that relate to Midhurst Grammar School, my experiences and others who also have interesting memories from their time at that wonderful school. Midhurst, to me, is such a beautiful place I want to spend more time there and am in my happy spot wandering around seeing places that I used to haunt as a boy. The links to the sites are above.