Tom Mocek  .

This post is dedicated to a man who I spent some time with at Midhurst Grammar School and about whom I realized in later life that I knew very little about. He was a year older than myself  and I spent a year age 11/12 in the same dormitory as him, my memories of him as a youth are scant. I was a first year and very green to Boarding Houses and how aggressive they can be. Tom was a gentle soul and would not harm a fly he would rarely speak unless spoken to but was a genuine friend to all that knew him. 

We did remain friendly throughout our time together at Midhurst and I do have a memory of he and I experimenting with mundane drugs like aspirin to try to get a high. It did not work, other than it made us frustrated at the time. Fortunately, we did not have access to anything more potent. He was a quiet lad and studious, very intelligent but he kept himself to himself and indulged only very few as friends. He was not anti social, just shunned excessive interaction with others. I regret not seeing him as an adult but this is a great reminder to all of us. If there are people that you remember well, make a point of visiting them before it is too late. If you have a family member or a close friend who is no longer a friend for whatever reason and you have regrets look them up and have a conversation. You may regret it, otherwise.

So having siad very little about Tom I can at least thank him for the Website he set up (see attached link above) which includes a number of Reunions and other Midhurst Grammar school memorabilia. RIP Tom.