Absent friends



From Jennie Youngs December 2009 -


Hi to all Old Midhurstians.

It is with great sadness that I would like you to know that Vid died in July 2009 at Higherfield, his beloved home on Dartmoor in Devon.

Vid was a boarder with lots of you guys at MGS and I was Jennie Rogers. I lived in Cocking and attended as one of those all important day girls!!!!! We were an item in the 6th Form and married in 1971.

Wow! What a fantastic time it was, together we shared fantastic memories of MGS in the Luke and Vera era. If there are any of you who remember us it would be great to hear from you. Vid had been poorly for a year so we knew we wouldn't make this 2009 reunion and indeed, there was no way I could do so but will in the future.

After MGS Vid went to Selwyn, Cambridge and became a Vet, specialising in surgery. I went to study languages in Cardiff (where they talked in the library!) and then became a teacher. We have 2 wonderful daughters, now married and parents themselves.

So as we were in the same year group, our MGS era was the Margaret Swabey, Ann Lekstrom, Jackie Reed, Jane Daniels, Barrie Salmon, Pete Brooks, Chris Davies, Daisy Day and so on.

If there is anyone out there who knew us, would love to hear from you: Please contact Chris Matthews (note the email is broken-up to fend off hackers) matthews.chris1 atsign gmail.com in the first instance.

With the most amazing memories of a fantastic time at MGS, Jennie Youngs