Autumn 1958, the MGS football first eleven.
Back row - Tony Mustard, Colin Shelton, Eddie Lintott. Douglas Munro. 'Plumb' Appleyard, Roderick Urquhart.
Front row - M. McLaren, R. P. Smith, 'Banger' Howell, Ray Strugnell, Tim Cowan.
This photo belongs to Roger Carpenter, who is on the far left in the back row.
We think it is Tim Piper in the middle of the front row and
perhaps Robin Phillips on his left, also in the quartered shirt.
Can anyone else help with a few names?
Some names - back row, second from right, Tom Aldridge, third from right, Joe Hislop
Thanks to John Ricketts
Circa 1957, at the form-room door,
from the left, Dave Parker, Tony Mustard, Jim Weston and Bill Swaite
1958 MGS golf reunion at Goodwood Golf Club.
From the left, Tony Mustard, Tony Smith, Dave Stanbridge, Roger Carpenter (at the back),
Ken Cooper and John Owen.
It's been held for 9 years. Since this photo, we have been joined by -
Jim Weston, Derek House, Roy Pettengale, Ian Pettie, Dave Luke and Dave Parker -
and occasionally, Tony Pettie.
Chris Lane
Timmy Mutty ?.
The Pool
Cowdray Castle
Great Hall - group c 1950