Updates and  changes





Checked and changed contact e-mail address.

Apologies if you got invalid recipient or similar messages.

The "mailto" links work with e-mail clients like Thunderbird, but I haven't tried

them with a webmail only system.

Removed Google analytics

Added a photo of Luke and Vera ( Thanks Chris / ) The photo is originally from Michael
Chevis, was taken in 1969 and remains his copyright.

Minor maintenance on the Home page.

Now toying with the idea of making this an HTTPS:/ site. Not yet though, if it works don't fix it.


Tested using Opera, Internet Explorer, Android tablet.

It works with mobile phone but it's so tiny !

Not designed for swiping I'm afraid,  just a happy dinosaur.



Added scans of two productions, Antigone and Murder in the Cathedral
to the Sixties page.

Thanks to Enid Tubbs (Millinger) for these.


Forum  removed, it was compromised

Robots.txt file added to deter web crawlers

Site layout checked on the server for suspicious new folders.


Added captions to Sixties - Rugby First XV photo. Thanks to Michael Jessep for these.


Added photos from Leo Lyons on the Sixties page. Thanks Leo.

Added a few more names on Tony Mustard's Hockey team photo on the Fifties page.

Thanks to John Ricketts.


Added new pages, MGS Remembered (by the staff. Lovely booklet) I'll be e-mailing everyone to let them know it's now available.

Finally have a photo of the one remaining Honour Board.

Thanks for the photo John and Janet and going to the trouble of organising it.

Added 1956 Hockey team to Fifties page. Thanks Tony.


Minor alterations.

Tested website in various browsers, mostly ok.

Added link to Teige's site on the 2000 reunion page.

That's it for now.


Added a guide to using the photo display

Checked some of the captions, corrected a few added a few.

Updated sitemap


Upgraded "Highslide" from v4.0.8 to v4.1.8 and uploaded it to the website.

Nearly wiped out the entire website in the process.

Uploaded missing folders. Sigh.

Good job I keep version backups.

Revamped the display of photos, works well for all but the largest ones. These are mostly sixties teams and newspaper articles. May duplicate them on a separate page.

Corrected text handling within layers. This was caused by the first line of code which referred to XHTML. A nuisance.

Time to upload the revised pages and see if they work properly.

More later.


Tried some experimental techniques on displaying the photos.

Mini galleries, opaque background with different control layout.

Nothing worked properly.

After a few  frustrating hours the light bulb came on.

My version of Highslide is 15 months old. I wonder ..... ?

Highslide is the photo display management program.

Will continue tomorrow.


Tidied up the code in 2000 and 2009 photo pages in the wee small hours.

Corrected caption on Forties page Priory not Primary. It was a prep school for MGS.

Later on -

Cosmetic and code changes.

Much later -

More cosmetic and code changes to the individual photo pages.


Final to do list, the website's nearly finished but -

Need photos of Vera and the 2000 reunion.

More photos and memorabilia welcome.

Scans to be done of "The Midhurstian" for inclusion later

Captions on one or two of the photo pages.



Corrected a few typos

Added captions to Memorabilia page images


Teige's website of the 2000 reunion has now been modified and incorporated into this one.

Use the "here" link (item 4) on the "Links" page to see it.

First pass on the Memorabilia page. Captions and credits to add later.

Created Reunion Accounts page.

Updated Sitemap page.

Corrected wayward links.

Created Absent friends page.

Added Nick McHardy's cracking anecdote.

Added Enid's photo to the Sixties page


Added Tony Mustard's photos to the "Fifties" page

Added Vikki Brown's copy of the Andorra production

Scanned and added Hilary Hay's (Maides) 2009 photos.

Scanned and added Hilary's 2002 photos.

Split the 2002 reunion photos to separate pages, it was getting unwieldy and took a while to load the thumbnails.


More updates to follow after Christmas.


Added a few captions, thanks Philip.


Removed Met Office link, unless you really want the current weather forecast for Bognor Regis area

Cosmetic changes. "Home" etc. links now centred below page title.

Added copyright acknowledgement to Sixties " Cuba demo" and " Sixth form strike" photos.

Added anecdote - thanks Vivienne

Updated Index page, corrected error.

Modified Reunion Day page.

Added music playlist

Added Copyright page

Added organisation page - acknowledging all the help we got on the day.

Moved "Reunion Day format" to it's own page

Modified 2009 photos page to link back to Reunion Day.

Corrected a few errors on Chris's photo page


Added Dave Price's photos, thanks Dave.

Revamped 2002 photo thumbnails.

Updated Index page, copyright page will be added in due course.

Corrected captions thanks Vicki

Downloaded Teige's site for inclusion and ensuring that it endures. Any objections or ideas for

a fitting tribute ?


Corrected captions, thanks Eileen and Howard.

In contact with Midhurst and Petworth Observer. Prepared and submitted photographs

Notified all who might appear in the newspaper article. This week's copy we hope.

Initiated copyright permissions with M&P Observer, London Evening Standard, Heinemann (UK) Ltd and the Met Office.



Added Howard's photos

Added Chris's photos

Added captions.

Added a few anecdotes.

E-mailed contacts etc.

Added Peter Harrisons photos to sixties page

Added Chris Gilbert's photos to sixties page.


Completed adding Martin's  photos and captions.


Started to add Martin Fuller's photos, then my eyes went funny. Tomorrow's another day.

Tilly's photos uploaded

Updated "attendee" and "unable to make it" lists.

Added "didn't make it on the day" list


Added Met Office link to Home page

Added "Unable to attend" list.


Updated names on Teams page, thanks Richard


Attendee list updated, other lists removed.

Uploaded Malc Horner's photos, thanks Liz

Uploaded Fifties Switzerland trip photo, thanks Dave


Reunion day page updated.


Attendee  list updated.


Corrected typos and rearranged some of the photos on the 2002 photos page.

Added Carol Rutten's photos

Carol provided a lot of names for the Fancy Dress photos, thank you.


Updated attendee list. Revised list to follow soon.

Scanning photos to be added later.


With Chris's help, added a few more names to 2002 reunion photos.


Updated attendee  list


Updated attendee and "unable to contact / no response" lists


Added Chris Gibert's photos.

Changes to reunion page

New links added on Links page


Corrected error handling in the e-mail sending routine.


Updated attendee lists

Started the reunion Day page.


Revamped and consolidated photos. Plenty to do on captions still, but nearly there.


Sorted captions out for the Teams photos. This required simplifying the web page layout before they worked properly.

Then applied this to the Forties (new), Fifties and Sixties pages.

The various reunion pages will need to be reworked. Not tonight Josephine.


Resized thumbnails on the Teams photos.


Easebourne Priory  group added. Taken 1944/45


Photos from the fifties added.


New pages - Anecdotes and this one.

Home page links added.

Photos - Teams and Luke added